Junitoite, a calcium zinc silicate hydrate mineral, is rare at Franklin and has not been found at Sterling Hill. It was found on one specimen, as 0.3 mm white to colorless, bladed crystals, in subparallel and slightly divergent arrays. The luster is vitreous on fresh surfaces, dull on crystal faces, and pearly on the good cleavage. It was identified by its unique X-ray powder pattern; the crystals have not been chemically analysed. Franklin junitoite occurs in a vein in franklinite on a garnet druse, associated with sparse clinohedrite, blue-fluorescent calcite, aragonite in radial sheave-like aggregates, and white bulbous hemimorphite. Some junitoite may respose in mineral collections misidentified as hemimorphite. (Dunn, 1995)

 Location Found: Franklin
 Year Discovered: 1976
 Formula: CaZn2Si2O7 · H2O
 Essential Elements: Calcium, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Silicon, Zinc
 All Elements in Formula: Calcium, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Silicon, Zinc
 IMA Status: Approved
Fluorescent Mineral Properties

 Longwave UV light: Pale yellow
 To find out more about this mineral at minDat's website, follow this link   Junitoite

Dunn, Pete J. (1995). Franklin and Sterling Hill New Jersey: the world's most magnificent mineral deposits. Franklin, NJ.: The Franklin-Ogdensburg Mineralogical Society. p.414

The Picking Table References
 PT Issue and PageDescription / Comment
View IssueV. 58, No. 1 - Spring 2017, pg. 12Fluorescent Minerals of Franklin and Sterling Hill, N.J., Part 2, Richard C. Bostwick - Junitoite
View IssueV. 36, No. 1 - Spring 1995, pg. 11Closest-Packing and Hydrogen Bonds in Minerals of the Franklin Marble, Paul B. Moore - Junitoite
View IssueV. 33, No. 2 - Fall 1992, pg. 11The Check List of Franklin-Sterling Hill Fluorescent Minerals - Junitoite (Fluorescent Info)
View IssueV. 29 No. 1 - Spring 1988, pg. 7Notes from the Laboratory & Changes to the List of Species From Franklin and Sterling Hill, Pete J. Dunn, John L. Baum, Additions to the list, Junitoite
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